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Four à chariot rotatif 8.43 MG Caractéristiques dimensionnelles Dimensionnels four A Profondeur sur hotte (mm) 2323 A’ Profondeur sur bandeau (mm) 2152 B Profondeur au sol (mm) 2141 C Profondeur totale porte ouverte (mm) 2670 E Largeur au sol (mm) 1300 F Hauteur totale (mm) 2370 G Hauteur totale façade (mm) 2200 Surface au sol (m²) 2,7 Poids total du four (kg) 1150
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Dec 22, 2017· Nouveau Four à soles électrique Orion EvO Bongard - Duration: 3:23. BONGARD BAKERY 10,035 views. ... Four rotatif modèle GALILEO - …
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Vente Four Rotatif Tibiletti Algerie. We are a large-scale manufacturer specializing in producing various mining machines including different types of sand and gravel equipment, milling equipment, mineral processing equipment and building materials equipment. And they are mainly used to crush coarse minerals like gold and copper ore, metals ...